Kamis, 21 April 2016

About Singapore TulipMania at Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome- dudunginside.blogspot.com

Did you know that tulips first originated from Turkey and there are so many varieties of tulips besides the ubiquitous tulips bulbs? This year TulipMania setting in Gardens by the Bay, flower dome is set like the ancient Otterman empire (today Turkey) instead of the usual windmills decoration inspired from Holland.

Last weekend, my friend who is like my elder sister and I went to flower dome to admire beautiful tulip flowers. I've never been to Holland so this is a good alternative for me to see so many tulip varieties. There are currently 75 known tulip species. From now till 22 May, you can admire different tulip species at Flower Dome. Well, if you are going with your girlfriend, you can buy her tulip flowers in the shop outside Flower Dome. 

TulipMania at Flower Dome, Gardens by the Bay
Nearest MRT station: BayFront MRT station (About 10 to 15 minutes walk to Flower Dome)
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 - Sun, 22 May 2016
Time: 9am to 9pm.
Wow! So many lovely flowers!

 I love these artistic looking flowers.

Bright red Tulipa "Makarsha"
Cheery pink with jagged petals Tulipa 'Canasta'. This is a really unique tulip. 

Sea of tulips in flower dome.
If you feel sad, just see bright colourful flowers and it will sure cheer you up!

Tulipa 'Foxtrot'

You can also view some cherry blossoms.

