Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

About Singapore Chin Woo Athletic Association in Singapore Chinatown -

Did you know that in Singapore, there is this famous  Chin Woo Athletic Association (????) made popular by the movie Huo YuanJia and starred by Jet Li? You can find the association in Singapore Chinatown.

Chin Woo (Athletic) Association, Chinese martial arts school was started by Huo Yuanjia in Shanghai with the aim to teach fellow Chinese martial arts or Kung fu for learning the art of defense, improvement of health and mind. Currently there are many Chin Woo (athletic) association around the world.  He rose to fame when he won the challenge against a Russian wrestler (between 1909 and 1910) during the time when China was weak. His association was supported by Sun Yat-Sen, the revolutionary Chinese hero. 

Coincidently, Singapore Chin Woo association was set up around the time when Dr Sun Yat Sen came to Singapore in the early 1900s with the aim to raise funds from the rich Chinese in Singapore to overthrow the despotic Qing dynasty in China. There was a saying that Dr Sun Yat Sen invited Chin Woo association to Singapore for personal protection as he was worried about assassination by the Qing government from China. During the chaotic time, Qing government who was ruled by the manchus were worried about revolution from the mostly Han Chinese in China.  

First posted on 17 Dec 2013

For more information on Chin woo, you can visit
Singapore Chin Woo (Athletic) Association is very near to the Duxton HDB flat. This beautiful shophouse is more than a century old. 
 Singapore Chin Woo (Athletic) Association
The real Master Huo Yuanjia. Photo from wikipedia

Jet Li starring as master Huo Yuanjia. Photo from

Huo Yuanjia movie theme song sang by Jay Chou

About Singapore ??????Mayday Concert 2016 Singapore-

Today is the last day of May and just in time, I received ??? (Mayday) Just Rock it concert ticket via mail! About two more months to their rock concert! By the way, according to Chinese calendar, today is Water Ox day. I love Ox day.
I like Mayday songs as they are very inspiring. One of the songs is  ???.
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Senin, 30 Mei 2016

About Singapore Roti Prata -

There was a stall selling very crispy and tasty roti prata near my flat about 10 years ago and I used to buy the egg prata quite often. Price was only $0.80 or $1.00 then if I'm not wrong. It was so much cheaper compared to today. Today one egg prata costs about $2 or $3 depending on the location. What gets on my nerve is when the prata is served cold and not hot as expected. If I have to wait for 20 minutes for the prata, I expect the prata to be hot and crispy and not soft and cold. It is really unacceptable. 
Egg roti prata with curry sauce. Unfortunately it was served cold and soft which is really horrible. 

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

About Singapore Are you Ready for Mayday Singapore Concert?-

Every time I go to KBox for singing session with my buddy, I'll alway sing Mayday ??? songs; especially those rock songs that are also inspiring. I always sing my heart out and swayed my body while I sang my heart out. Singing is a great relaxation hobby for me. 

So it is with great anticipation when I woke up early today to purchase the Category 1 tickets price at $238.00. Alas due to high demand for Mayday concert, I could not purchase the tickets until much later. By then I could only purchase Cat 2 tickets at $198.00. My buddy was lucky to purchase $238 ticket. 

Anyway looking forward to their concert on 5 August this year! I'm going to sing with them. 

About Singapore Tip Top Curry Puff-

One of my favourite curry puff is from the famous Ang Mo Kio (a residential area in Singapore) Tip Top puff. Inside the deep fried curry puff are spicy chopped potato, chuck of chicken and small sliced egg. They are kept inside hot storage so every time its serve piping hot which I like. There was one occasion when the curry mixed was too salty. But now, the food standard is good. Most of the time if I'm at Raffles city shopping mall, I will buy some for my family and me. My parents also like Tip top curry puff.

I highly recommend Tip top curry puff as I think its better than the ubiquitous Old Chang Kee curry puff. 

Raffles City Shopping Mall Basement 1
Nearest MRT: CityHall MRT or Esplanade MRT
They offer 3 types of filling namely chicken (curry puff), sardine and beef.
 Quite affordable curry puff at $1.50.
 If you prefer fish, there is sardine puff, also at $1.50. Fried Beehoon set comes with fried chicken wing at $3.60.

 They also serves other snacks like fishball, cheese tofu, chicken wing, chicken nugget adn fish and chic wrap.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

About Singapore More Choices at PastaMania-

Finally I have my first Pastamania meal this year at Cathay Cineleisure! With so many food varieties in Singapore, we are really spoilt for choice. Besides Chinese food, I also like Italian pasta. In Singapore, Pastamania is like pasta fast food. Service is pretty fast. Within 8 minutes, the pasta was ready. I was amazed at their efficiency. As usual, I ordered Tom yum seafood pasta with al dente linguine. There are also many platter and dessert choices. Most probably I will visit PastaMania again as I like their new dessert!
 Seafood Tom yum Linguine ($12.90)
 Pasta Mania at Cathay Cineleisure
 My buddy and I shared the warm garlic bread. 
 I ordered the set which comes with pumpkin soup and a drink.
 My buddy ordered cheesy beefballs.
 My buddy ordered this salmon baked cheese pasta.
 We shared this platter.
 I ordered this chocolate ice-cream

Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

About Singapore Singapore Stock Exchange-

Lately, I've been attending investment courses at Singapore Stock Exchange, which is besides Lau Pat Sat, a 24-hours food market where you can find affordable local and international food in the financial district. Some courses at Singapore Stock Exchange are free but for most of the courses, you have to pay. Course fees can range from $10 to few thousands dollars. Most of the time, I only pay $35 for the courses. Although lessons are conducted in the evening from 7pm to 9pm or 10 pm, I always feel excited to attend these finance courses. I enjoy reading history, human behavior and about the world, I think finance is something I want to do something for life. 

I feel exhilarated whenever I'm in the central business district. I can feel the dynamic pulse of the city in Raffles place, the heart of Singapore finance. This place gets me excited and happy. 

Now economy is not exactly great. But its an opportunity to pick up some cheap blue chip stocks. As the Chinese saying goes, ???,????. When there is crisis, there is opportunity. Currently, there are many good stocks that are undervalued. However, one must be prepared to hold for long to reap the fruits and not worry unduly due to the fluctuation in share price during this recession period. Of course, its easier say than done. That's why its important not to invest all your cash. Currently, I'm holding 3 stocks which are in the red which somehow dampen my mood. Nevertheless, I believe it will rise as I didn't buy it when its was at its peak in 2013. Well, at least I receive about 5% dividends for two stocks. I do believe the share price will rise but it takes time. 

My philosophy is never buy the stock when it is high as I want to have a margin of safety. Also only invest with money you have. I'm prepared to hold for long until it reach my target price. I give myself until end of this year to see if my analysis is right. I do hope its right so it can finance my overseas finance course next year. I intend to pursue a 6-month postgraduate finance course in an overseas university mainly to travel and to learn. I decided to give myself a good rest after working hard for 10 years. 

If you want to attend investment course at Singapore Stock Exchange, you can visit the Singapore Academy website here.

Nearest MRT: Raffles Place MRT
Singapore Stock Exchange, a gleaming tall building.
Outside Singapore Stock Exchange
 This tall gleaming building is Singapore Stock Exchange.
 Lau Pat Sat operates 24 hours daily and sell affordable local and international food in Singapore financial district.
 Inside Singapore Stock Exchange.

 Waiting for the course to start inside the academy room.
 Carnival organised by Singapore Stock Exchange outside Ngee Ann city. I received a free book on investment.

SGX Academy website. Click here to access.

About Singapore Singing at KBox Cathay Cineleisure-

Last Friday after work, my colleague who is like my sister treated me to a singing session at Kbox Cathay Cineleisure. We sang from 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm. The price is $18 per adult. We had a spacious room and sang to our hearts' content. 

Nearest MRT station: Somerset MRT station
 Inside Kbox
 We were given this spacious room to sing.
 As usual, I sang along to Jay Chou, Sammi Cheng and SHE songs.
 I also like Stefani Sun and May Day songs.
After singing, we went to Honeymoon shop for dessert. As usual I have my double boiled milk with almond and chopped walnut. 

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

About Singapore National Day Parade Ticket Application Starts Today-

From 13 May this year, Singaporeans and local residents can apply for this year National Day Parade (NDP) tickets.This year Singapore will be celebrating 51 years of independence. 

Successful applicants will be informed from 2 to 8 June. I've been applying for the past 10 years but did not get the tickets. Hopefully this year I am lucky and can ballot the NDP tickets successfully. 

Click here to apply for this year NDP tickets. 
To read 2014 NDP preview, click my previous post.

About Singapore Singapore National Day Parade Preview 2014-

I was sorely disappointed that I did not win the National Day Parade (NDP) tickets this year, despite applying for National Day Parade tickets for the past nine years. I was beginning to wonder if my affinity with Singapore is ending. I was upset that I did not get to watch NDP at The Float@ Marina Bay platform with beautiful setting in front of Marina Bay Sands and beautiful Art Science Museum which resemble a lotus. 

Last Friday, my beloved friend SMS me and asked if I wanted the preview ticket since her friend was giving away the NDP preview ticket. Immediately I said of course I want it since this could be the last NDP at The Float@Marina Bay as the sports stadium is finally completed. 

I arrived quite early and realised I shouldn't arrive too early as you sit further away from the stage. But I was glad I had the Orange ticket as the location is quite central and in front of the stage. As I rushed from work, I had no time for lunch so I brought some sandwiches to eat. Luckily, the NDP funpack came with 2 bottles of drinks and 2 packet sweet drinks like Yeo and H2O, with a chocolate bun, cheese photo chips and biscuits! So while waiting for the show to start, I had a late lunch. Ok, enough of sharing, now let me share some awesome pictures I took at NDP preview last Saturday! Ready? 

First posted this blog on 4 Aug 2014
Absolutely love the fireworks display this year.
Let me start with Fireworks since this is my favourite photo I took at NDP preview last Saturday.
Outside The Float@Marina Bay
 Many people wearing red shirts, part of our national flag colour.

 Funpack collection. I took the pink bag.
A great view right?
People without NDP tickets got to make do with the view at The Merlion
Snacks and drinks provided in NDP funpack!
 Let's wave the flag for the Red Lions, the fearless skydivers!
 Red Lion arriving at The Float.
 Parade Commander Lieutenant-Colonel (LTC) Wong Pui Pin and the contingents of soldiers from land, air and sea, commandos,students and unions.
 Singapore flag standing tall behind the beautiful backdrop of wavy sky.
The stand-in aka the fake DPM waving to the crowd. 
The fake PM
Sing along to national day parade songs.
Fly-past of the State Flag 
Flypast by SAF Black Knights
Singapore Police Coast Guard
I thought there be fake President since there were fake DPM, PM. Surpised to see Mdm Halimah Yacob who stand in for the President.
Time to show off Singapore military might to the citizens and our neighbors.
At The Float@Marina Bay, you get to see many Singapore tourist attractions like Singapore Flyer and Helix bridge.
Lee Kuan Yew is always featured in NDP.
The Performance
 Dazzling firework in the midst of Act 1.
 Love the pop colour display
 Singapore is famous for its wide range of delicious food!
The Grand finale ended off with minutes of fireworks!