Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

About Singapore Singapore National Day Parade Preview 2014-

I was sorely disappointed that I did not win the National Day Parade (NDP) tickets this year, despite applying for National Day Parade tickets for the past nine years. I was beginning to wonder if my affinity with Singapore is ending. I was upset that I did not get to watch NDP at The Float@ Marina Bay platform with beautiful setting in front of Marina Bay Sands and beautiful Art Science Museum which resemble a lotus. 

Last Friday, my beloved friend SMS me and asked if I wanted the preview ticket since her friend was giving away the NDP preview ticket. Immediately I said of course I want it since this could be the last NDP at The Float@Marina Bay as the sports stadium is finally completed. 

I arrived quite early and realised I shouldn't arrive too early as you sit further away from the stage. But I was glad I had the Orange ticket as the location is quite central and in front of the stage. As I rushed from work, I had no time for lunch so I brought some sandwiches to eat. Luckily, the NDP funpack came with 2 bottles of drinks and 2 packet sweet drinks like Yeo and H2O, with a chocolate bun, cheese photo chips and biscuits! So while waiting for the show to start, I had a late lunch. Ok, enough of sharing, now let me share some awesome pictures I took at NDP preview last Saturday! Ready? 

First posted this blog on 4 Aug 2014
Absolutely love the fireworks display this year.
Let me start with Fireworks since this is my favourite photo I took at NDP preview last Saturday.
Outside The Float@Marina Bay
 Many people wearing red shirts, part of our national flag colour.

 Funpack collection. I took the pink bag.
A great view right?
People without NDP tickets got to make do with the view at The Merlion
Snacks and drinks provided in NDP funpack!
 Let's wave the flag for the Red Lions, the fearless skydivers!
 Red Lion arriving at The Float.
 Parade Commander Lieutenant-Colonel (LTC) Wong Pui Pin and the contingents of soldiers from land, air and sea, commandos,students and unions.
 Singapore flag standing tall behind the beautiful backdrop of wavy sky.
The stand-in aka the fake DPM waving to the crowd. 
The fake PM
Sing along to national day parade songs.
Fly-past of the State Flag 
Flypast by SAF Black Knights
Singapore Police Coast Guard
I thought there be fake President since there were fake DPM, PM. Surpised to see Mdm Halimah Yacob who stand in for the President.
Time to show off Singapore military might to the citizens and our neighbors.
At The Float@Marina Bay, you get to see many Singapore tourist attractions like Singapore Flyer and Helix bridge.
Lee Kuan Yew is always featured in NDP.
The Performance
 Dazzling firework in the midst of Act 1.
 Love the pop colour display
 Singapore is famous for its wide range of delicious food!
The Grand finale ended off with minutes of fireworks!
