Rabu, 04 Mei 2016

About Singapore Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay- dudunginside.blogspot.com

At Gardens by the Bay, Cloud forest dome, you get to experience cool temperature (between 23�C  to 25�C)  in a replicated cloud forest commonly found in tropical mountains (1000 metres to 3000 metres above sea level) in South-east Asia like Malaysia, Middle and South America. When you entered the entrance, you be greeted by tall cloud mountain with cascading waterfall. To access to the top of the cloud forest mountain, you need to take an elevator to the top. From there, you will have to walk down to the base via a tall spiral walkway to view the canopy .  
You get to see a wide variety of flowers like orchid or ferns on the wall of the cloud forest. At level 3, you get to see crystals.
There are various Mist Timings as shown below:
10.00am, 12.00pm, 2.00pm, 4.00pm, 6.00pm, 8.00pm daily
Previous post on Cloud Forest on 13 July 2014, click here

How to get there?

Alight at Bayfront MRT and it takes about 10 minutes to reach Gardens by the Bay.
Open daily: 9.00am - 9.00pm
At the entrance, you be greeted by this tall replicated cloud forest with cascading water fall.
 You can see various types of mosses at level 1.
 Lego plants.
 At level 7 of cloud forest. You can see this beautiful Rose Grape.

 Garden at the top of Cloud forest
 At the top of cloud forest, you see this beautiful lush garden and pond.
 Enjoy an aerial view of the canopy from the spiral walkway.Hold tight to the railing.
 Stop and pose for picture.
 While walking down the spiral walkway, stop and admire the rare flowers from cloud forest.

