Selasa, 06 September 2016

About Singapore Ode To Art at Raffles City-

Last Friday, after lunch, my buddy and I went window-shopping at Raffles City shopping mall.We were happy to see beautiful arts at Ode To Art. Outside the gallery, we can take the free postcards of selected painting at Ode To Art. I happily collected several free good quality postcards of my favourite arts. I'm planning to display these beautiful postcards in my bedroom when I studied overseas next year. Really happy to get free postcards. Hey perhaps I can give these free beautiful postcards to my friends or buddies and I can save money from buying it. 

 These sculptures are so cute. If I buy a new home, I might just buy one to display in my bedroom with my wood furniture. Don't know why, I just love wood furniture.
 Arts by Chinese artist.
 I also like these bright cheerful painting. I reckon it cost few thousand dollars. I might just practise and paint like him.
 Is it just me? I simply love cheerful and cute arts.
 Landscape painting to display in my living room?

