Selasa, 13 September 2016

About Singapore Singapore Science Centre. Life is a Miracle!-


Recently I went to Science Centre because of work. There are some new exhibits. But I was more curious on human body. So I went to the human body to see how babies are formed from inception. Its really amazing how a baby is made from just a sperm and egg right? That's why some say we are already a miracle! 

 In the Science Centre main hall.
 Green hulk on display for the first time.
 Students can explore human body. 
 I was happy to see baby chick. Maybe few hours old.
 Baby chick is adorable.Ok I try to eat lesser chicken wings. Now I eat more vegetable and fruits ok?
 Out of a billion sperms, only 1 is successful. That's why they always say we are  already a miracle!
 All rushing to enter the egg.
This one is successful! Yeah!
Few months old baby.
 This baby is ready for the world! Yeah! 
Actual size of the foetus in tummy. I can't remember when I was in my mum's tummy.

