Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

About Singapore Reunion Dinner on Chinese New Year Eve 2017- dudunginside.blogspot.com

How time flies. Today is finally Chinese New Year eve, the day we have reunion dinner together as a family. Prior to the dinner, I spent the day spring cleaning my bedroom, cleaning the windows, some bookshelves and changing the curtain and finally sweeping the floor because we don't sweep the floor on the first day of Chinese New Year. 

Reunion dinner is very important to us as we don't normally have dinner together as a family as we reach home at different time. Sometimes my brothers work late. So on Chinese New Year eve, everyone of us will have a lavish sumptuous dinner together. 

While I was cleaning my room, my elder brother who is a great cook helped my mother to prepare reunion dinner. Well, my elder brother used to work at a restaurant as a cook. Together they prepared 12 delicious dishes which include abalone and vegetables, tasty soup filled with quail eggs, pork and fish balls, pig skin, sea cucumber, vegetables, fried egg, fried chicken wings, fried prawns, steamed prawns, steamed fish, braised pork, fried squid balls and ngio hiang or five spiced pork roll, a typical Teochew dish. Wow, I felt really full after the dinner. I also treasure the time we eat together as a family with my parents and my 3 brothers at home. 

After dinner, we'll watch China CCTV Chinese New year show and maybe later watch channel 8 new year countdown. Later in the night, I watch Stephen Chow comedy movies. Today my brothers and I will stay up late maybe till 3am to 5am to ?? shou sui with the hope our parents can enjoy longevity. My youngest brother will be going overseas today.

I had a great dinner tonight, I hope you too.

To all the Chinese and fellow Teochew nang around the world, I wish you a Prosperous and Happy Rooster New Year 2017. ???? Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Wow we had 12 sumptuous dishes for reunion dinner this year! What a spread!
We had steamed fish topped with ginger, tomatoe and chili, fried chicken wings, fried egg with vegetable.
We also had a bowl of shark fin soup, fried prawns and steamed prawns.
Vegetables with abalone and ngoh hiang or five spice pork roll
My elder brother prepared most of the delicious dishes like the awesome soup with quail eggs, abalone, pork and fish balls, dumpling and vegetables.
Steamed prawns with huatiao wine and ginger.
Steamed fish and fried chicken wings.
Vegetables with abalone and ngoh hiang.
We'll watch China CCTV show which features popular artists from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan singers.My father like the program.
