Selasa, 09 Agustus 2016

About Singapore Celebrating National Day at Home-

As usual, my family and I celebrate National Day at home. Today I ordered KFC umani chicken, cheese fries and coleslaw at home so that we can eat and watch National Day Parade show at home. My brother fried noodles and bee hoon for dinner. 

I've been applying for NDP tickets for the past 10 years but rarely get the NDP tickets. In the past, we would just queue up at Tampines stadium early for the NDP tickets. Now with balloting, I rarely get the NDP tickets. I'm beginning to think I have less affinity with Singapore. Anyway next year, I might be going overseas for postgraduate education and won't be in Singapore to celebrate NDP at this period of time.

Happy birthday Singapore!

 KFC unami chickens.
 Soggy and soft fries. Not good.
 Watching NDP at home.

