Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

About Singapore Feng Shui Talk 2017 by Grand Master Raymond Lo at SOTA-

Yesterday I attended annual Feng Shui Talk by Hong Kong Grand Master Raymond Lo at School of The Arts (SOTA), organised by Singapore Pools. I enjoyed the 2 hours talk and I was happy that I acquired more Bazi and Feng Shui knowledge from Master Raymond Lo. 

It is amazing that from Bazi (??)you can know a lot about the person be it their talent or medical condition. Bazi is one of Chinese five arts like I Ching, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Feng Shui, Bazi, Face or palm reading. From the moment we arrived in this mortal world, its like our destiny is already written in the chart. Yes destiny can be changed but that requires alot of effort like not eating meat and doing more kind deeds. I looked at my bazi chart and I reflected on my life and it looks like everything is predestined. 

I would like to attend his bazi course but for 3 days, it cost $1100 which is beyond my budget. Think I just buy his bazi book. 

At the end of the session, we were given goodie bag which included 2 mandarin oranges, a package of red packets, plain water bottle and a beautiful dragon since this year is Rooster year and Dragon is secret friend of Rooster. I find this very useful as I'm a Rooster lady and this year, there be self-penalty. Thus carrying the dragon will help to protect me and makes me feel safer. Ya, I'm born in the year of Rooster so sometimes I can be arrogant and blunt. I try to control my outspoken mouth because once I spoke my mind many years ago, my colleague was so upset that she cried hysterically. So now, before I speak my mind, I see if the person can take it or not.   
I hope to attend Feng Shui 2018 next year by Grand Master Raymond Lo again.

School of the Arts Singapore is located in the heart of Singapore buzzing city near Orchard Road, aka shopping paradise. Talented arts students are selected in this prestigious art school. 
 In Bazi, we need to understand the interaction of the 5 elements in order to make right analysis. It is surprisingly accurate if you know how to read. 
 This year is Ding You. Ding is candle fire and You is yin metal. I'm Ding fire day by the way. Most of the time I'm very nice and helpful like the candle. :)
 Looking at the bazi on the day it happened, 2 Dings which eerily look like 2 towering building . Chou, You and Si combine to form metal frame. From the top fire melt bottom metal. 
 Grandmaster Raymond Lo prediction for year 2017.
 Well, think I better cash out all my stocks by July or August this year as the charts that he showed, all indicated a clear trend that in years ending with 7, be it 1987, 1997, 2007 from Autumn, showed a decline in stock. Years ending in 7 is Ding Fire year. As stock is fire element, stock value normally rise in Spring (Feb to April) and Summer season but decline from Autumn(Sept onwards). From year 2018 onwards, it will be earth and metal years so stock will not be doing as well as in 2017.
 He also showed bazi of famous people. Surprisingly, many China leaders be it Xi JinPing, Dr Sun Yat Sen are all Ding Fire people. 
                                                          Feng Shui cures
Question and answer session
 This is the free cute dragon pendant for all participants. Phone not included. I better carry this dragon symbol with me as I'm born in Rooster year, and its self-penalty year. 
Wishing everyone Prosperous and Happy Rooster Year!

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