Senin, 12 Desember 2016

About Singapore Cleaning my Bookshelves & Discovering Wonders-

Time flies so fast. Its the last month of 2016 and next month, we'll be heralding Chinese New Year in end of January and 2017 in a few weeks time. 

Since I'm so free at home, today I decided to clean my bookshelves and organize it according to genres preferably. Wow just cleaning and tidying up 2 rows of bookshelves took me a few hours. Well, this is because I also took some time to browse through some of the books and deciding whether to recycle or give to others. 

Frankly speaking, cleaning my bedroom and bookshelves can be very therapeutic. In the process of clearing my bookshelves, I found many 'treasures' like beautiful bookmarks, magazines that I forgot about it. I'm thankful I have so many wonderful books and things. Its like counting my blessing. 

So hey if you are free, do take time to clean and organize your room or bookshelves. Sometimes you might find that you have so many things after shelving them in a corner for so long. Hmm, I think I also better stop buying new books and make sure I finish reading the books I brought first. 
 Wow, really delighted to find Fortune magazine with Warren Buffett on cover. I'm going to reread later.
 Organising my exercise A4 books. I have so many that I really should stop buying new.
 Mr Lee Kuan Yew is my idol so I brought a lot of his books. I already finished reading One Man's View of the World. Going to start My Lifelong Challenge.
 I have so many stationery that I should really stop buying more.
