Sabtu, 31 Desember 2016

About Singapore Happy New Year!-

Today is the last day of 2016. I wish all readers great health, happiness and wealth ahead. Happy 2017 New Year.

This year is significant as I finally tendered resignation letter. Some people are surprised that I resigned from my high paying job when Singapore's economy is so gloomy. But I've been working hard for the past 12 years so I have a bit of saving. Its time for me to do something that I always wanted to do. I hope my investment will grow next year then I can go overseas for study. If not, I can self-study. I intend to give myself one year break. Next year, I'll just travel, read books that I brought and just enjoy the long holiday. Yes. It's time to pamper myself.

Happy New Year 2017!

Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

About Singapore Feng Shui Talk 2017 by Grand Master Raymond Lo-

I just signed up for Feng Shui Talk 2017 by renowned Grand Master Raymond Lo from Hong Kong. Its the first time I sign up for Feng shui talk. Since next year I'm very free, I'm going to spend my free time to enhance my knowledge on finance, economics and also Bazi. But then Grand Master Raymond Lo's course is very expensive. For 3 days course, it costs $1200.00. I think I just buy his book to read. Anyway, I hope there is no bird-flu virus spread in Hong Kong as I already purchased air ticket to Hong Kong in March next year. 

I spent $18.50 to attend his 2-hour talk but then there is a free goodie bag and buffet dinner. So I think, its still worth it. If you are interested, you can also sign up via Sistic.

Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017
Time: 8 - 10pm
Venue: School of the Arts Singapore (SOTA) Concert Hall
Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station, Exit A

About Singapore Christmas Theme at Flower Dome Gardens by the Bay-

This Thursday, I went to Gardens by the Bay to see this year Christmas flower theme. Since I have the annual pass, I don't have to pay entry fees. If you love to see flowers and plants like I do, I highly recommend Gardens by the Bay annual pass as its cheaper this way. Also every few months, they will change the flower dome theme and we get to see different flowers from different countries. This year, I already saw beautiful flowers from China for the Chinese New Year theme, tulips from Turkey, blushing bride flowers from Africa and now Christmas trees from USA. 
 As I was walking to Flower Dome from Bayfront MRT, I saw this picturesque view Super tree and pond.
 Dancer inside the globe. 
 I love these beautiful succulent plants that look like flowers. 

 Baobab trees from Australia and Africa
Miniature cacti and succulent plants.
 This year Christmas decoration.
 I saw these yellow flowers blooming for the first time or did I miss it? Anyway I had a dream where I saw blooming yellow flowers when I opened the door.
 Lovely flower!

 Nutcracker soldiers seem very popular this year. I saw them in Australia christmas decoration too,

Kamis, 29 Desember 2016

About Singapore My Lunch for Today at Imperial Treasure Restaurant Yi Dian Xin-

I really love the cute dim sum, the porcupine bun so today I went back to Imperial Treasure restaurant at Raffles City shopping mall for my lunch today. I had prawn dumpling noodle dry, and some of my favourite dim sum like baked bbq pork pastry. I spent about $25 today as the restaurant also include 10% service charge and 7% GST. If you love dim sum, I highly recommend Imperial Treasure restaurant Yi Dian Xin. 
 At $9.30 its quite expensive but then this is a restaurant in downtown so no choice.
 Shrimp wanton noodle dry at $9.30.
 Deep fried porpupine with red bean paste $4.20
 Baked BBQ pork pastry. Really delicious. $3.40.
Stuffed prawn in crispy wrap with wasabi ($4.80)

Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

About Singapore Popeyes Fried Chicken-

I like Popeyes fried chicken. They are crispy and tender and their chicken looks fresher. Actually I like KFC but I notice dark chicken flesh so I was put off by it and  now rarely eat KFC. Early this month, I had popeyes fried chicken with my cousins at Orchard Road and we were happy with the delicious meal. 
 Cajun fried chicken and their signature biscuits.

 Cheesy poppers.

Seafood and fries

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

About Singapore Merry Christmas Eve!-

Today is Christmas eve. In Singapore, it is raining heavily with loud thunderstorm! I don't celebrate Christmas as I'm a Buddhist but I love Christmas day as there are beautiful Christmas lighting decoration along Orchard Road and Gardens by the Bay. 

My brothers are celebrating Christmas eve with their friends. Since I'm single and I love to stay at home, tonight I accompany my parents. Luckily my youngest brother brought a Christmas cake, so maybe tonight or tomorrow we eat Christmas cake and my mum will cook fried kway teow later. 

To all my Christian friends and readers, wishing you all Merry Christmas in advance!
Gigantic Christmas tree at Ngee Ann City shopping mall.

Jumat, 23 Desember 2016

About Singapore Wanton Noodle and Roast Chicken Rice for Lunch-

Today I brought wanton noodles and roast chicken at Tampines Central community centre to share with my mum. The wanton noodle is very springy smooth and drenched in very tasty sauce and the roast pork is flavorful and tender. The roast chicken is also very tender and I love the tasty rice. I highly recommend as it is very cheap and tasty. A bowl of wanton noodle costs only $3.30.
 My current favourite wanton noodle ($3.30) is at Tampines Central Community centre food court.
 I also like their roast chicken! It is cheap at $3.30 and delicious.
 It taste better with garlic chili! Yummy!

Kamis, 22 Desember 2016

About Singapore Eating Tang Yuan on Winter Solstice Day ??-

Yesterday is Winter Solstice day, which is also the day that we eat tang yuan or glutinous rice ball which represent reunion. The day before, my mum brought glutinous flour and prepared the glutinous rice ball. Yesterday is also the day, we prayed to our late ancestors. I had two version of tang yuan. The first one is tang yuan glutinous rice ball sweet soup and the other is tang yuan coated with chopped peanut. I prefer the soup version.
 The colourful glutinous rice ball (Tang yuan) is made by my mum while the bigger tang yuan is purchased from super market.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

About Singapore Christmas in Melbourne-

Click my travel blog here to read more.

About Singapore Yummy Dim Sum at Imperial Treasures Yi Dian Xin ???-

I finally found the best dim sum restaurant that meets my budget and high expectation for quality and delicious dim sum at Imperial Treasures Yi Dian Xin restaurant! Recently I had a sumptuous lunch at Raffles City shopping mall Imperial Treasure Yi Dian Xin. 

Now they have a wide variety of dim sum and some dim sum looks so cute, like the porcupine buns. Well, for my lunch, I paid a total of $31.80 as I ordered a lot to try. Well, most of the dim sum comes in pair, so I could try different dim sum. Let's take a look at what I had. Think I had a lot and the service staff was amazed I could finish all the food.

Nearest MRT: City Hall MRT station
Imperial Treasures Yi Dian Xin
Raffles City, B1-37
Website: Click here
Deep-fried porcupine bun with red bean paste ($4.20). I love the crispy bun texture with sweet red bean paste.
You can look at the menu here
I had roast duck noodle dry ($9.30)
Steamed prawn dumpling or Ha Gau ($4.80). The prawn dumpling are fresh and better than Singapore Tim Ho Wan.
I also love this baked snow crust bbq pork bun. But it will be better if this is served hot. ($3.60)
 Stuffed prawn in crispy wrap with wasabi. I love this new dim sum! 
My hearty and sumptuous lunch!